CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability
CRICOS Course Code 112381F
This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a range of community settings and peoples’ homes, who provide support in a manner that empowers people with disabilities to achieve greater levels of independence, self-reliance, community participation and wellbeing. Workers promote a person-centred approach, work according to and may contribute to an individualised plan, and work without direct supervision. They may be required to supervise and/or coordinate a small team.
Assessment Methods
Assessments will be conducted in a variety of formats which can include written questions and answers, projects, simulations, demonstrations, and third-party logbook.
Entry Requirements
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Have completed study of Year 12 or equivalent.
- Proof of English language proficiency: IELTS 6.0 or equivalent
Hold either a CHC33021 Certificate in Individual Support (Disability) or CHC33015 Certificate in Individual Support (Disability)
Work placement Requirements
- Full vaccination record as per the guidelines of NSW Health for students going into placement in hospital or aged care facilities.
- A Police Check
- Additional evidence that work placement providers may require
Study Pathways
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Course Structure
The following units are included in this course and all are required for the award of the qualification. Students who only complete some units will be awarded with a Statement of Attainment for units successfully completed. There are 10 units of competency in total, which include 7 core units and 3 elective units.
CHCCCS044 Follow established person-centred behaviour supports
CHCDIS017 Facilitate community participation and social inclusion
CHCDIS018 Facilitate ongoing skills development using a person-centred approach
CHCDIS019 Provide person-centred services to people with disability with complex needs
CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
CHCADV001 Facilitate the interests and rights of clients
CHCDIS021 Prepare for NDIS support coordination
CHCCCS035 Support people with autism spectrum disorder

Key Facts

Course Duration
Total of 52 weeks
Work Placement: 140 hours
Study: 40 weeks
Break: 12 weeks

Study Load
20 hours per week/4 terms

Delivery Mode

Job Outcomes
• Community Development Officer • Senior Personal Care Assistant • Disability Team Leader • Disability Support Assistant (Schools) • Disabilities Supervisor

Credit Transfer
Linx Institute recognises qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued under the Australian Qualifications Framework by Registered Training Organisations.